Can't sit still even in lockdown

Art of Libraries Goes Digital

During the pandemic Glos libraries have been working with Can’t Sit Still to develop and adapt their show ‘Play-Along Plink and Boo’ which was originally planned as an in library performances with a live audience, to a digital interactive theatre performances for children and their families to enjoy from home. 

This is a collection of 6 short films that tell the story of how Can't Sit Still set out on a journey to adapt a live production to a digital one during lockdown…and everything they learned along the way…


As a legacy to the Art of Libraries test pilot we ran in 2017-2020, Glos libraries will soon be launching the Art of Libraries toolkit. 

The toolkit shares a plethora of both creative and practical ideas to support artists and library staff to work together to co-create an irresistible creative programme for children and young people. The aim is to inspire and encourage them to be creative and try something new - from music to drama, storytelling, circus or animation to name a few of the activities that have been offered. 

The first edition of the toolkit was written before Covid 19 - in what now seems like a distant planet - a time when library staff could welcome children and their families into the library to paint, draw, make a mess without social distancing - without hand sanitiser and masks. 

Find out more about the toolkit and the art of Libraries programme here

*unusual audiences - children, young people, people who are labelled as having special needs (PMLD, SLD, MLD), people who identify as being on the Autistic Spectrum, people who are D/deaf, new mothers and birth parents with babies, people who use English as a second language and anyone who, for any reason, might not believe that the arts are for them. **unusual locations - libraries, children’s centres, outdoors, doorsteps, village halls, town halls, screens and anywhere you might not normally expect to find a performance.