The Creative Leadership Trainee Programme

In March 2019, Gloucester Culture Trust launched the Creative Leadership Trainee Programme. The aim: to nurture the future creative leaders of today.

The programme has created four full-time, year-long jobs within four of Gloucester’s creative organisations, all of which are fully funded by the Creative Entrepreneurs strand of the city’s Great Place project. This area of our work, which we call JOLT, is about creating opportunities and a supportive space which enables people to work and make a living in the creatives industries, right here in Gloucester. 

Each Creative Leadership Trainee has ten allocated days of training towards their professional development, most of which are bespoke to their individual needs. One of these days has involved a group visit to the Roundhouse in London, one of our partners in the Gloucester-Roundhouse Exchange Project. They met with their team to gain a real insight into what makes the music venue so incredible and have brought back exciting ideas about how to engage younger creatives in Gloucester. Alongside the Creative Leadership Programme is a series of workshops, regular PechaKucha Nights, creative business support – and coming very soon is a network of a young creatives and a physical creative space in Gloucester City Centre.

To hear more from the four trainees please click here