Love Art? Create your future!

20 local GCSE and A’Level students from Rednock and KLB schools in the Cam & Dursley area will be showcasing experimental pieces during Tyndale Arts Week. They created the work during a nine week programme called ‘Love Art? Create your Future! run by artist and educator Abi Nicol.

This talented group signed up for a 9 week programme that explored different aspects of the wide range of possibilities and specialism’s that the creative sector has to offer. Abi Nicol saw that the usual opportunities such as field trips, visiting exhibitions, open events and chances to gain work experience with professionals and explore processes using specialised equipment had not been available to them due to Covid.

Supported by Create Gloucestershire she wrote this course to introduce a wealth of skills through practical sessions and talks. The students were able to work with practicing local designers, artists, makers and lecturers meeting twice a week on zoom - they have had a chance to experience :

  • Fine Art: Drawing, photography, construction

  • Craft: book art, ceramics

  • Fashion/Textiles: sustainable fashion, printed textiles, setting up your own label

  • Animation/ Illustration: character design

  • Game Design/2D Design: Graphics, concept, studio practice

  • 3D Design: Architecture, spatial design and 3D forms

  • Printmaking: etching, cyanotypes

The work that will be displayed at Kingshill House will showcase the experimental pieces undertaken during the course. For many of the participants this will be their first time exhibiting. Abi has been blown away by the energy and commitment given to the course. All but one session was delivered online, the young people needing to prepare in between sessions as well as attend the workshops. 

Emphasis has been placed on looking at future pathways – opening up discussions about career choices, possible Further and Higher education routes as well as practical information from local creative’s about their practice and professional lives.

Visit the Exhibition

Where: Kingshill House Arts Centre, Kingshill Ln, Dursley GL11 4BZ

When: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd October 10-4pm

Abi and her Love Art group will be on hand Sunday 3rd October 2021 to deliver a drop in workshop in the art room at Kingshill house 11-4pm. Come have a go and say hello! They will be demonstrating how to print lino and collagraph prints that they have created. Visitors will be able to have a go and take a print home!

Love Art? Create your future has been kindly supported by The Barnwood Trust, Create Gloucestershire, Cam Parochial Charity, Dursley Roundtable and Dursley Lions Club.

Local businesses have supported the students with some of the materials used – thanks to – Frazier Co Plastics, Build It, Tesco, SGS College and David Ian Smith! 

Inspiration has been given by the staff and students at University of Gloucestershire, Justin Gregory from Hereford School of Art, Louise Bargett, Karen Hilliard, Shalize Nicholas and Ellie Badger.