New 'Dance Unstuck' Course

Are you, or is someone you're working with, missing that positive feeling you get from a good dance? Or perhaps it's something new to try in a toolkit of pain self-management? Dance Unstuck gives a chance to dance in a safe, supportive space, at your own pace and through discovering your own individualised movement possibilities.

Dance Unstuck is an NHS Gloucestershire supported pilot course of 10 sessions for people living with chronic pain who are:

  • 18+ and registered with a Gloucestershire GP surgery

  • happy interacting with others 

  • able to follow basic instructions

CLICK HERE to download a self-referral form.

If you have questions, have access / transport requirements, or need to apply for your place in a different way, please contact: / call 03000 200 102

Deadline: Monday 31 July 2023

Fridays 11.30am - 12.30pm, 22 September - 1 December 2023
At The Club @ Tuffley Park, Gloucester

Our friendly Artist Facilitator Annet, and her inclusion specialist assistant Michelle, will gently guide you back towards the joy of movement. Using breathing exercises, uplifting music, descriptive, open language, props, games and gentle core-strengthening exercises, you'll discover your own, new dance vocabulary. You can choose how you want to engage in the activities week by week - standing if feasible, seated, using different mobility aids, leaning on furniture, or even lying down!

You do not need any previous experience, skills or resources – the focus is on having fun and having a go. The approaches we use have been developed over 7 years through working alongside disabled dancers and people living with chronic pain.

Image Credit: Artlift

Alt Image Text: A black and white photograph of two women dancing. One is seated in a chair.