Teaching Community Arts course, sign up today!

Have you ever thought about sharing your arts practice with others through teaching but don't know where to start? This course will give you a taste of what teaching community arts involves and support you to identify the skills you will need to lead and teach others. 

This course is fully subsidised for participants who are 19+, living in Gloucestershire and who are below a full level 2 in their education (5 GCSEs or less) and/or are unemployed /low waged (below £20,319 per annum).

The course can be accessed at any time from the start date until the end date, you can fit it around your life.

To find out more or book your place, please get in touch 01452 863855 / gemma@artshape.co.uk


Website: www.artshape.co.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/artshape
Instagram: @Artshpae_glos

Image Credit: Anna Kolosyuk, Unsplash

Alt Image Text: Image shows the heads of three artists paintbrushes dipped in strong yellow and reds lying across a canvas freshly streaked with brushstrokes. In the background are five paint tubes spilling their assorted colours onto the canvas.